7 Easy Self-Care Tips for Nurses

nurse self care

Nurses work some of the longest and most grueling hours. These are usually 12-hour shifts that are constantly demanding. They can take a toll on you mentally and physically. Self-care is a top priority for all women, especially nurses.

What are some of the top-self care tips for nurses? First off, what is self-care? Self-care is anything you can do to take care of yourself physically and mentally.

Making self-care a priority is not selfish. If you aren’t taking care of yourself, how will you take care of others?


Meditation is the #1 self-care tip for nurses. Meditation is basically learning to unwind. Some people might find meditation a little intimidating, but it is quite simple.

You are going to spend a set amount of time (5-15 minutes) clearing your mind. You can do this by sitting quietly in a room by yourself. Or you can follow one of many available apps and just follow along. This is something simple and easy that everyone can do.


We all know that we should unplug. This simply means turning your phone on silent for a period of time. It is most recommended to do this an hour or more before bedtime. There is scientific evidence that unplugging is good for us. It doesn’t cost you a dime to turn off your devices.

Sleep Schedule

As nurses, you are usually working crazy hours. No matter how crazy those hours are, you should be keeping a sleep schedule. You want to make sure that you are consistently getting 7-9 hours of sleep daily. Prioritizing sleep will ensure that you are mentally and physically prepared for your patients. I really think that we could put sleep as a top self-care tip for nurses.


Exercise is always the first thing to fall off people’s to-do-list. I’m here to tell you to put it back on your schedule. Something as simple as walking can help your well-being. Find something you like to do and put it on your schedule. Yoga, walking, weight training, or sports…find something that you can commit to at least 3 times a week. Your mind and body will thank you.


Eating nutritious whole foods will make your body feel great. Treating your body well is self-care. Don’t make is complicated. Just eat the basics 80% of the time and you will feel amazing. I personally believe in meal prepping, but do what works for you. Check out these easy meal prep ideas.


Hydration is self-explanatory. It’s simple to keep hydrated. You can buy tons of different water bottles and carry them with you to work. The side effects of dehydration include headache, fatigue, nausea and more. Drink your water!

Wear Comfy Scrubs

The most important self-care tip at Evolution Scrubs is to wear comfy scrubs. Not only are our scrubs comfy, but they are also stylish too. When you look good, you feel good also.

Give us a try today. As always, we want to hear from you. Be sure to leave us your feedback.

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